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Buy a property in Turkey: all you need to know step by step

Reading time: 3 minutes

how to buy a property in TurkeyHave a clear idea on the use

Which are the reason that brought you to Turkey in order to buy an house? If you believe in Turkish economical potential you are probably willing to invest into a property here in Turkey.

Well, it really makes the difference the reason why you are buying it, for instance, are you just buying the house in order to rent it again or to sell it someone else after the purchase. You should know that not all of the real-estate companies are allowing you to rent the house to someone else after you bought it.

Do not worry, we do it! And we can help you along all of the process.

Trust your gut

Sometimes it could sounds pretty strange to find one of the best occasion you have ever seen for such a reasonable price but sometimes it could really be true here in Turkey. The real estate market here in Turkey is really competitive, probably among the best place where to invest money in this precise time.

Some other times instead it could be not properly a clear deal, which means not a neat documentation as well as unclear permissions. In order to avoid inconvenient you must  there are different ways to understand if you are in the right real-estate in Turkey of if they are trying to sell you something you do not want to buy.

Of course you can trust of your instinct but better than that you can just check what people say about them. Do they have references of comments on social media or on the website from any other client? If they do than you should give it try.

Tolerance Homes indeed always ask for a feedback to our clients and as you can see in this client references page, people are happy to buy an house with us.

Legal Services

Having a legal service in Turkey for the home’s buying procedure it is not mandatory but it is a suggested practice which you should consider if you want to be 100% sure about your purchase.

It is kindly suggested to have a lawyer when it comes to special procedures, for instance  If the buying involves a lot of money but also if you need want to buy a market place in association with a Turkish citizen and other peculiar issues that we have clearly explained in the linked page at the  beginning of the paragraph.

If you are in this peculiar cases, our group is ready to help you anytime, we experienced different peculiar cases and we have always offer our support in the research of a prepared and qualified lawyer that could help us to set up the perfect agreement.


Generally are really few the companies which offer a service in several languages. Tolerance Homes instead can speak a multitude of languages. We can translate all of the documents into your mother tongue language within a second.

Our employers comes from all over the world and they can cover pretty much all of the language spoken in Europe, Middle East and East countries.

It is not a common aspect, usually companies are hiring translators in order to provide official documentation.

We prefer to offer you the contact of a professional real estate agent which speaks your own language

Automatic residence permit

From 2013 the government encouraged the buyers and investors to come to Turkey even passing over some administrative restriction such as the residence permit.

Indeed you will be able to obtain your residence permit within the purchase of your first property. We will help you to get in touch directly with agencies which can provide you a quick application for your new residence permit as well as an hassle free documentation follow-up.

You can consult our page about how to obtain the residence permit in Turkey by buying a property

We hope you found our information clear and useful, we will be here to help you out with everything you need. We will be glad to get in touch with you anytime.

Get in touch with us!

Got a question? Call us!

Yildirim Ozden - Managing Director
Yildirim Ozden
Managing Director
+90 542 790 75 07
+90 532 158 42 44