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New requirements for residency renewal in Turkey. Implementation of the Electronic Notification System - UETS.

What is the UETS system in Turkey?

The Universal Electronic Notification System (UETS) is a digital notification system in Turkey.

From the 15th of April 2024, it will be a new requirement for foreigners wishing to extend their residency status in Turkey.

From then, it will be necessary to provide an address in the Universal Electronic Notification System (UETS), established in accordance with Notification Law No. 7201 and Electronic Notification Regulation No. 30617.

For foreigners under 18 years old, applications for residency will be processed based on the UETS addresses of their parents or guardians. It is not mandatory for children to declare a UETS address.

Why is a UETS address needed?

Foreigners who have already obtained a foreign identification certificate (ikamet) in Turkey, when applying for its renewal, must additionally provide an UETS address (Ulusal Elektronik Tebligat Sistemi). Essentially, this is a mailbox stored on a state postal service website (PTT — Posta ve Telgraf Teşkilatı). Notifications and requirements, including refusals and cancellations, will arrive at this address.

How to obtain a UETS address?

  1. At post offices (PTT):
    To obtain a UETS address, you need to provide a passport, foreign identification document number, mobile number, a valid email address, and a completed UETS application form.

  2. Online for electronic signature owners:
    You can apply through the official website, following the registration instructions via e-devlet.

A step-by-step guide to online registration:

1. Activating two-factor authentication on e-devlet:

  • Log into your profile on;
  • Click on the profile icon at the top of your name, select the tab “Güvenlik ve Ayarlar”; then “İki Aşamalı Giriş İşlemleri”
  • Change the status to “Aktif” and choose your verification method: mail or phone number.

2. Registration on the website via e-devlet and filling in the necessary information:

  • Visit the site, select entry via e-devlet, input the data and receive login code;
  • You will be forwarded to the registration tab: enter your residential address (in Turkish), phone number, email, and your profession;

3. Receiving UETS:

  • Click on your name at the top, select the “Hesap Bilgileri” tab;
  • Find the “Sözleşmeler” tab and click it;
  • Opposite “Hesap Bilgileri” there's a blue button “Bilgileri Yazdir”, click it and download the document;

Please do keep your 12-digit unique UETS number safe, as it will be required for further interaction with public and municipal services.

The company Tolerance has all the necessary documentation and permissions to conduct real estate operations in Turkey and can provide effective assistance with both buying and selling your property in Turkey.

Turn to the professionals and remember – the best is possible with Tolerance, welcome home!

We are happy to answer all your questions, contact us on Whatsapp +90 (532) 158 42 44

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Yildirim Ozden - Managing Director
Yildirim Ozden
Managing Director
+90 542 790 75 07
+90 532 158 42 44