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Jobs in Turkey

Reading time: 6 minutes

Jobs in Turkey

In this article, we will consider the possibilities of legal work in Turkey: we will answer the most popular questions, we will tell you in what areas foreigners are in demand, is it difficult to find a job for highly qualified specialists. We will give important recommendations on how to look for a job, what to fear, what to pay attention to people who have moved here for a long period or bought an apartment in Turkey.

Work in Turkey: how can a foreigner earn money?

Turkey is a beautiful country where foreigners, including Russian speakers, are treated kindly.

But moving to Turkey for permanent residence implies that you are either going to work here, or you have a passive source of income.

With the second option, everything is clear: a stable source of money makes it possible not to worry about tomorrow. But with the search for work in Turkey, everything is more difficult.

What you need to know about working in Turkey in the first place?

The most important thing: you can officially find a job in the country only on a work visa. To have residence permission is not enough for it.

Its registration, as well as the registration of medical insurance, is handled by the employer.

Before obtaining a work visa, you will need to obtain a work permit, it is done at the Ministry of Labor in Ankara, documents are submitted online. You will have to go to the migration service to hand over biometrics and sign papers.

There are strict requirements for the number of foreign specialists: for example, a business owner cannot hire a foreigner until he has given work to five Turkish citizens. 

What you need to know about working in Turkey in the first place?

However, the only initial option for owners of their own business in Turkey is to circumvent this condition and obtain a work permit for themselves.

This can only be done by submitting documents within 6 months after the establishment of the company, it can be either an individual entrepreneur or a limited liability company.

In this case, a foreign citizen will be able to obtain a work permit for a maximum of 1 year.

However, a further extension of the work permit will only be possible if the rule of five working Turks per foreigner is observed.

Turkish law also sets restrictions in terms of professions: a foreigner will not be accepted to work as a dentist, veterinarian, security guard, pharmacist, lawyer, director of a travel agency or guide. The same applies to the professions of a judge, prosecutor, notary. Only Turkish citizens can apply for these vacancies. 

Working without a work visa is a risk of being deported.

In such cases, both the foreigner himself and the one who hired him are fined. After the deportation there is a ban on entry for five years, the process of deportation of an illegal immigrant is paid from the pocket of the employer.

Even if a potential employer convinces you that there will be no problems, do not try to get around the law. At best, you simply will not be paid for the work done - this ends most of the offers to work without a visa.

At worst, someone will report to the migration service that the business owner has illegal employees, and you will be deported.

And be sure to carefully read the contract before signing it, especially the part about fines - it may turn out that due to ignorance of the conditions you will work almost for nothing. 

In what areas are there vacancies for foreigners?

In Turkey, immigrants from the CIS countries, that is, Russian-speaking foreigners, are mainly employed in the tourism sector.

This work is seasonal - when the tourist flow decreases, there is no longer a need for foreigners.

Staff for hotels are recruited through recruiting agencies: they offer vacancies for animators, receptionists, cleaners, waiters, show artists, dancers, massage therapists, yoga and Pilates instructors, guest relations managers and transfer guides. 

Often, foreign students are hired for such positions, agreeing on the early delivery of the summer session. In such cases, a work visa is made through the consulate in advance, so that by the time the workers arrive in Turkey, it is already valid, and students can immediately start working.  

In what areas are there vacancies for foreigners?

You can understand why the preference in the tourism sector is most often given to young people: the work is hard, you often have to spend the whole day on your feet, and the guests in hotels are different - and the staff is required to smile and in no case come into conflict.

But for students, this is a great opportunity to earn extra money over the summer, practice foreign languages, learn something, and even go to the sea! 

Earnings at a hotel during the season largely depend on its class - the more luxurious the hotel, the more respectable guests in it, and therefore the tip is more generous.

Everything above the salary is called “extra” - for those who are really motivated and know how to win people over, “extra” income at the end of the season may turn out to be even more than their salary. 

In general, in the resort areas of Turkey, the season is something akin to a cult. They are preparing for it, waiting for it, worrying about it so that it will be successful, because in a few months you need to earn enough to then have enough for a normal life until the next season.

Due to the pandemic and other events in the world in the past few years, the tourist seasons in Turkey have been on the verge of collapse, which, of course, has hit the entire industry hard. 

What about work for highly qualified specialists?

In this regard, it all depends on how much your employer needs you.

Yes, the owners of some unique skills can count on a good income, but, of course, you will have to add one more line to your resume in addition to your skills, experience and reputation - knowledge of the Turkish language.

You have to be a very cool specialist in order for a Turkish company to want to hire you - employers often pay such employees for visas, flights, temporary hotel accommodation, and in the future - apartment rentals.

For foreign employees, the Turkish company must also pay insurance, its amount depends on the salary of a specialist.

Some diplomas, for example in the field of medicine, are difficult to confirm in Turkey, even if you are considered a first-class specialist in your home country.

To do this, you will have to pass a very difficult multi-stage aptitude test and also, of course, in Turkish.

There are literally only a few doctors in the whole country who have coped with this. Therefore, the rest have to either learn another profession, or study as a doctor again, already at a Turkish university. 

The IT sector in Turkey is still underdeveloped, the level of salaries of IT specialists here cannot be compared with their incomes in Europe or the USA. But at the same time, no one forbids freelancing.

It is quite legal to live in Turkey and work for a foreign company.

And not only in the field of IT, but also in other professions: translators, copywriters, smm specialists, designers, editors, illustrators work remotely from Turkey. 

Some useful tips for job seekers in Turkey

We have collected all of the above for you in a short and useful memo.

It is good to live in Turkey, having a passive source of income (for example, from renting an apartment or in the form of interest on a bank deposit) or freelancing.

Some useful tips for job seekers in Turkey

To come here in the hope of quickly renting an apartment and finding a job is recklessness. Your rose-colored glasses will break as soon as you realize that the country has a fairly high unemployment rate, and due to the pandemic, wages in many areas have fallen to the minimum. 

Do not agree to work without a visa, do not start performing your work duties until you see the visa with your own eyes and sign the documents at the migration center. 

If possible, choose the option with a monthly payment, and not with a settlement at the end of the season. This will protect you from deception, especially if the employer turns out to be unscrupulous in this regard - this happens. 

If (against all our advice!) you still risk working without a visa and will be caught by the migration service, do not complicate your life - do not try to bribe officers, do not argue with them, in any case do not conflict.

Sometimes such violations can be turned a blind eye, but if the illegal worker is problematic, “loud”, this will definitely not happen. 

If you seriously, without illusions, approach the issue of finding a job in Turkey or providing income remotely, this country will become a comfortable home for you. Safe, beautiful, warm - the way you dream about!

Well, if you want to move to Turkey for permanent recidence , you can see our real estate offers or just contact us by WhatsApp on +905321584244.

Our team of experts will find the best deals for you in the shortest time!

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Yildirim Ozden - Managing Director
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+90 542 790 75 07
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