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How to Get a Residence Permit in Turkey in 2024

Reading time: 8 minutes

To move to Turkey, you'll need to obtain a residence permit — this document in the country is called an Ikamet and is a small pink card with the holder's photo and validity period.

Unlike citizenship, a residence permit is issued to foreigners for a specific period (except for indefinite ones), and if you plan to stay in the country legally further, it will need to be renewed.

What kind of Ikamet can a foreign citizen get in Turkey in 2024?

All types of Turkish residence permits can be divided into short-term ones (tourist, student, family, and so on, more on them later) and indefinite residence permits.

If the basis for one residence permit ends, you can switch to another, for example, if you first got a tourist permit and then enrolled in a local university, you can change your residence permit to a student one.

Short-term Residence Permit in Turkey in 2024

Let's start by looking at the short-term types of residence permits.

This type of Ikamet is typically issued for a year, with the duration determined at the discretion of the immigration service - one applicant may get a permit for 12 months, another, with the same reasons for staying in the country - for six months.

Overall, the requirements for all those wishing to get a residence permit are the same:

-they must be adults (children are granted an Ikamet together with their parents, but on separate application forms),

-and they should be able to support themselves in Turkey throughout the entire stay.

This is considering the prohibition on working, as a residence permit is not equal to a work visa and does not grant the right to work in Turkey.

However, remote working isn't prohibited.

Short-term Residence Permit in Turkey in 2023

New conditions for granting Turkish residence permits to foreigners in 2024

Generally, the order of submitting and considering documents for a residence permit remains the same, only certain criteria have changed, for example, the minimum cost of real estate - more on this below.

The process of obtaining any type of residence permit is the same and consists of the following stages:

  • Gathering documents.
  • Filling in a questionnaire on the immigration service website.
  • Booking an appointment.
  • Waiting for a decision.
  • Receiving the card by post at the stated address.

Documents should be submitted personally, and everyone applying for an Ikamet, including children, must be present.

An important innovation has been the closing of certain districts in major cities for obtaining an initial residence permit, as the number of foreigners living there has exceeded the norm by 20%.

Those who already managed to get an Ikamet in these regions haven't been affected by these changes – they can renew their residence permit under the previous conditions.

Before applying for a residence permit, it’s necessary to get a local tax number on the tax service website (this can all be done online and it's free), and also a local SIM card, to state the phone number in the application form.

How to get and extend a tourist residence permit in 2024

The tourist residence permit, or touristik as it's called in Turkey, is the most common type of residence permit among foreigners.

Indeed, of the almost 153 thousand Russians who moved to Turkey in 2022, 132 thousand obtained a tourist residency permit.

From 2023, the rules for granting such residence permits tightened significantly: the immigration service now requires not only a rental agreement or hotel reservation for a certain period from foreigners but also a tourist plan.

To obtain a primary tourist residence permit, you need to collate a set of documents, which includes local medical insurance, digital photos in a certain format, an international passport with validity of at least six months, and a form filled out on the immigration service website.

On the appointed day, a rendezvous will take place – a meeting with a service representative who will check the correctness of the completed documents and notify you if anything else is needed. You can read more about this type of meeting, referred to as a rendezvous, on the Tolerance website.

Residence permit for investments and real estate in Turkey

From 16th October 2023, the minimum limit of property cost for obtaining a residence permit has changed. While before it was set at 50 thousand dollars for small towns and 75 thousand for big cities like Istanbul and Antalya, now it is 200 thousand dollars.

At the same time, changes affected the number of property items: before the new regulations, you could buy several flats as long as their total cost exceeded the minimum threshold. Now, however, the focus is on one piece of property and its cadastral value.

As with the tourist residence permit, which is granted for renting accommodation, a residence permit for buying a property can be obtained by the whole family, including the spouse and minor children.

Disabled children under the tutelage of their parents, regardless of their age (i.e. above 18 years), can apply for the residence permit.

However, only one spouse can get a residence permit for owning real estate, while other family members can first arrange a tourist residency permit and then family residence permits from their second year living in the country.

Family residence permit in Turkey

This type of residence permit is issued to the spouses of Turkish citizens and their minor children (born before marriage, i.e., not in common).

Family residency permit in Turkey

For getting a residence permit, it will be necessary to provide a certificate from the Ministry of Interior confirming that the foreigner who entered the country did not commit crimes in terms of family law, implying they were not suspected in domestic violence cases or guilty of similar offenses.

Besides this, a sponsorship from the spouse – a Turkish citizen, as well as sufficient income to support the family is required.

Another important requirement is the absence of signs of a sham marriage. The spouses should live together and share the household.

Foreign nationals who were married to Turks, but divorced due to domestic violence, also have the right to apply for a family residence permit.

The validity of such residency does not usually exceed one year.

The spouse and minor children of a foreigner who has legally resided in Turkey for over a year can also apply for a family residence permit.

Student residence permit

Foreigners receiving education in Turkish universities can count on a student's residence permit.

Its overall duration does not exceed the duration of study and is extended every year.

The holder of such a residence permit can transfer to another university in the same city or move from one faculty to another.

As soon as the study stops (due to completion or expulsion), the grounds for extending the residence permit cease to operate.

Within six months after the end of the study, you can submit another application for a residence permit — the authorities allow university graduates to stay in the country for a bit longer, during this time they can find a job, get married, purchase real estate or start a business, that is, achieve grounds for another residence permit.

Humanitarian Residence Permit

A humanitarian residence permit is awarded to foreigners who, for some reason, cannot leave the territory of Turkey: due to a severe illness, old age or a difficult pregnancy.

Moreover, such a residence permit can be obtained by foreign citizens who cannot be deported from the country because they may face torture, the death penalty in their homeland.

Mothers of children born to citizens of Turkey can temporarily receive a humanitarian residence permit if another residence permit has expired — in this case, the authorities may reasonably believe that the child needs the presence of the mother nearby.

Residence Permit for Victims of Human Trafficking

This residence permit is issued by the immigration service to those who are considered victims of human trafficking.

The process of obtaining such a residence permit is complex and may have unique differences in each case.

Long-Term Residence Permit in Turkey in 2024

Foreigners who have lived in Turkey for at least 8 years on lawful grounds may apply for a long-term residence permit (e.g., for purchasing real estate).

The authorities will pay attention to aspects such as the ability of the candidate for the indefinite stay residence permit to support themselves (and minors) — they should not apply for benefits and other state assistance during their stay in the country.

You will need to provide a statement from a Turkish bank about the movement of funds in the account over all 8 years.

Absence of violations of the country's laws, especially in terms of immigration laws — there should be no fines for violating the terms of visa-free stay, as well as tax debts, any criminal record, and so on.

Long-Term Residence Permit in Turkey in 2023

To apply for an indefinite residence permit, a foreigner must live in Turkey for at least 8 years. During this period, you can travel abroad for no more than 90 days a year.

Before applying for such a residence permit, you need to contact the Population Affairs Office (Nufus) to determine if the applicant has spent enough days on the territory of Turkey.

The order of submitting documents in general differs not from how documents are submitted for a regular residence permit: you need to collect a package of papers, fill out a form on the immigration service website, and arrive there in person on the appointed day.

Cost of Residence Permit Registration in Turkey in 2024: New Rules

The amount that will cost to process documents for a residence permit, is from 150 dollars.

This includes a state fee for issuing the card itself, the cost of notary and translator services, as well as health insurance.

In reality, acquiring a residence permit can cost up to 1000 dollars, depending on the set of documents you need to collect, the number of people for whom insurance policies need to be bought, and so on. 

Kimlik, ID card, or Ikamet in Turkey – What's the difference?

A Kimlik and Ikamet are different documents, although both are a small card with a photograph of the holder.

Kimlik is the domestic Turkish passport, which is issued to citizens of the country.

A photograph is included in the Kimlik at the age of 15, after which it needs to be renewed every 10 years to keep the information up-to-date.

The Kimlik is not issued to foreign citizens; you can only get one after acquiring Turkish citizenship, that is, after purchasing property for a minimum of 400,000 dollars or making investments in bonds, state securities for an amount of 500,000 dollars, or by marrying a Turkish citizen. 

Therefore, the differences in these documents are quite substantial: holders of a Kimlik can participate in elections (both voting and being elected), hold certain state positions, work as a doctor, guide, or vet (in Turkey, only citizens can do this).

The Ikamet, on the other hand, provides a number of other rights: obtaining local driving licenses, enrolling children in municipal kindergartens or schools, visiting family doctors and state clinics, paying only a portion of their services' cost (the rest is covered by insurance). 

Residence Permit in Turkey (İkamet): Conclusions

A Turkish residence permit is a document that gives you the legal right to stay in the country.

If you want to tie your future to this beautiful country, you should approach the document preparation process with great care and responsibility.

The most reliable and straightforward way to obtain an Ikamet is to buy a property. Tolerance Agency will assist you in this. 

We're happy to answer all your questions, contact us on Whatsapp +90 (533)765 43 00

If you want to move to Turkey permanently, write to our specialists who will find the best options for your budget. Also, subscribe to our YouTube channel and Instagram page to receive information from the professionals!

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